Q: How do I apply for CSBG money?
A: Individuals seeking assistance cannot directly apply for CSBG they must go through their Community Action Agency for their area
Q: How is CSBG money distributed?
A: CSBG funds are distributed by the federal government to states that then provide them to Community Action Agencies, also known as, eligible entities. These agencies then distribute funds to provide services and strategies to low-income individuals and families in their communities to address the causes and conditions of poverty, promote self-sufficiency, and improve the communities in which they live.
Q: Can CSBG help me?
A: Depending on the level of poverty you are currently facing you may be able to receive CSBG money, to find out if you are eligible for CSBG money you must contact your Community Action Agency for your area.
Q: What are Community Action Agencies?
A: Community Action Agencies, also known as eligible entities, are local private non-profit organizations and public organizations. These agencies are controlled by local boards (Tripartite Boards) that govern the use of CSBG funds, including making decisions on how best to meet the needs of low-income people within their communities.
Q: How do I know which Community Action Agency can help me?
A: Use the link below!